Linde Electronics Sales Offices
North America | |
Linde North America | +1 908 329 9700 |
+1 800 932 0624 | |
Asia | |
China - Linde LienHwa | +86 21 6105 9888 ext 9456 |
India - BOC India | +91 1 800 345 6789 |
Korea - Linde | +82 2 780 9331 |
Malaysia - MOX-Linde | +60 379 554 233 |
Philippines - Linde Philippines Inc. | +63 2 702 7500 |
Singapore - Linde Gas Singapore | +65 6861 3678 |
Taiwan - BOC LienHwa | +886 2 2786 6000 |
Europe and Middle East |
France - Linde | +33 4 72 47 66 10 |
Germany - Linde | +49 89 7446 1122 |
Continental Europe - Linde | +49 89 7446 1122 |
Greece - Linde Hellas | +30 21 110 45 000 |
Italy - Linde Gas Italia | +39 029 037 31 |
Middle East - Linde | +49 89 7446 1122 |
Spain - Linde | +34 687 927 430 |
Switzerland - PanGas | +41 844 800 300 |
United Kingdom and Ireland | +44 800 02 0800 |
0800 02 0800 (within UK only) |