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Consignes de sécurité
Handling of cryogenic liquefied gases(PDF 198.0 KB)
Handling of Gas Cylinders at and after Fire or Heat Exposure(PDF 194.0 KB)
Oxygen deficiency(PDF 196.0 KB)
Oxygen enrichment(PDF 190.0 KB)
Safe handling of gas cylinders and cylinder bundles(PDF 252.0 KB)
(Re)filling gases(PDF 172.0 KB)
Storing gas cylinders(PDF 233.0 KB)
Transport of gas receptacles in vehicles(PDF 191.0 KB)
Transport of toxic gases(PDF 168.0 KB)
Working with Carbon dioxide CO2(PDF 263.0 KB)
Working safely with oxygen pressure reducers on cylinders and cylinder bundles(PDF 166.0 KB)
Handling and usage of dry ice(PDF 609.0 KB)
Handling chlorine gas cylinders(PDF 160.0 KB)
Handling leaking compressed gas cylinders(PDF 147.0 KB)
Handling liquefied petroleum gas(PDF 323.0 KB)
Handling of Acetylene(PDF 185.0 KB)
Handling of gases under pressure(PDF 257.0 KB)
Handling of Hydrogen(PDF 341.0 KB)
Handling refrigerated liquefied nitrogen in transportable cryogenic receptables(PDF 306.0 KB)
CO2 and O2 mixtures in packaging machines(PDF 162.0 KB)
Supplying Gases to Supra Conductive Magnets(PDF 182.0 KB)